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Myth and Threles​



Legends and traditions as a part of our heritage


Lesson objectives


Design a booklet about local legends

Share cultural issues of own cities and countries

Know legends from other cultural traditions


Summary of tasks/actions


First session

The students, working in teams (four students in each group) look for a local/national legend

and redact a resume in L1


Second session

The students translate the legend into English


Third session

The students make some illustrations to the legend and design the cover of the booklet


The project teachers choose the best one and upload it to the Twin space project



Computer with internet connexion

Drawing tools



Three sessions and home task (if necessary)


Topics, abilities


Literature, culture, arts



Use of ICT tools

Communicate with different languages

Put into value cultural diversity

Analyse information

Cooperate and work together in a team

Design of illustrations related to a written story


The men eating horses of Diomedes


Orfeus and Euridice

Sant Jordi

Sant Anastasi


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