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Let’s know each other



Activity 1


Let’s know each other


Lesson objectives


Design a questionnaire in English using digital tools

Analyse results using statistical tools

Knowing cultural, historical and geographic issues of other cultures and countries


Summary of tasks/actions


First session

Every project student will design a couple of questions in English on own culture, country, city


English teacher chooses 15 questions and prepares a questionnaire. Tests the questionnaire with a sample of students

The Erasmus + team selects some students to transfer it to digital format with Google forms (individual task, home task)


Second session

Pass the questionnaires to the other schools and ask as many students as possible to reply it


Third session

Analyse and categorize the results (project students, small group task)

Elaborate a report (project students, small group task)

Upload the results to Twin Space (project student, small group task)



Computer with internet connexion

Google form software 

Statistic tools



Three sessions and home task (if necessary)


Topics, abilities



Geography, history, cultural issues of every country/city/village participant



Use of ICT tools

Communicate with different languages

Put into value cultural diversity

Analyse information

Cooperate and work together in a team

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